Czech Radio Ostrava
- 18.00-00.00
News about our region’s current events, live broadcast, music programme and reports
Are you interested in getting to know what is behind the making of a programme? Come and visit the facilities of the Czech Radio Ostrava, which has been bringing you fun, education, music and spoken word for many years since the 80s at Šmeralova St.
There will be a tour of music Studio 1, in which many legendary records were created, such as those by Věra Špinarová, Marie Rottrová and Hana Zagorová, but also songs by Karel Kryl, and by bands such as Buty or Kryštof. You will be able to watch live broadcast of the Czech Radio Ostrava, take a look at complete radio broadcasting technology or take a photo behind a mic or in a mixer recording studio. Year on year many people are interested in our tours and therefore it will be possible to watch all activities in the near vicinities of Studio 1 without booking ahead.
- 18.00–00.00
An interesting music and partly dance programme will also be presented. Tones of hammered dulcimer music, works by Ostrava songwriters and music by students of the Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Ostrava will ring out all over Studio 1. Look forward to competitions with interesting prizes!
- 18.00–00.00
Kids’ workshop
Apart from tours of the radio broadcasting office, kids can also take a look into our radio workshop where they can have their faces painted.
During the whole evening you can listen to our broadcast and hear how the Ostrava Museum Night is going and what is happening at the moment in our place. Tune in on these frequencies: Region 99.0 FM, Těšínsko 105.3 FM, Opavsko 102.6 FM a Bruntálsko 95.5 FM.
See for yourselves what is going on in the Czech Radio Ostrava.
Český rozhlas Ostrava
Dr. Šmerala 2, Ostrava
Phone +420 596 203 111